Holy Trinity Primary School

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Upcoming Events

Latest Holy Trinity - Halifax Events

Music Recital - Class 11 and Class 15 will be performing from 2:00pm to 2:30pm.06Feb2025

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm @ In School

The recital will showcase the work the children have put in, in learning musicianship, glockenspiel and ukulele since September.

Music Recital- Class 12 and Class 16 will be performing from 2:45pm to 3:15pm.06Feb2025

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm @ In School

The recital will showcase the work the children have put in, in learning musicianship, glockenspiel and ukulele since September.

PSHE parents meeting06Feb2025

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm @ School Hall

We would like to invite you to an information session on Thursday 6th February at 5.30pm. This session will cover a brief overview of the ‘Growing and Changing’ unit through school and the vocabulary used.

Year 5 sleepover07Feb2025

7:00 pm - 08 feb, 9:00 am

The Year 5 sleepover will take place on Friday 7th February. Children will need to return to school to the main entrance at 7:00pm that day and will be collected at 9:00am on Saturday 8th. The cost to parents will be £5

Year 1 Come Dine With Me26Feb2025

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm @ School Hall

You are invited to join your year 1 child for lunch. Book your place with the school office

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