Holy Trinity Primary School

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Special Educational Needs at Holy Trinity

The SENDCo is Mrs Shearn, a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

She has responsibility to support class teachers in making sure the provision for pupils with SEND is effective. 

She can be contacted at: admin@holytrinitycofe.calderdale.sch.uk 

At Holy Trinity, we believe that all children including those identified as having a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is accessible to them. All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND and are committed to making a difference. 

How are children's needs met?

All children receive Quality First Teaching which is reviewed regularly to ensure it is inclusive and reduces barriers to learning. 

SEN Support is the system by which we assess the needs of the children, and then provide appropriate support. The system should follow four stages, often to referred to as a cycle: 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review'. Each child has their own SEND support plan which is reviewed termly.

EHCP, which means Education and Health Care Plan, is a document which sets out the education, healthcare and social needs of a child who needs additional support in school, beyond which school can provide.  EHCPs are reviewed annually. 

What are the 4 main areas of need?

Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Sensory and/or Physical. 

School Policy documents

Special Educational Needs Policy

Supporting pupils with Medical Needs Policy

Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School Policy

SEND Local Offer / Information Report

Calderdale Local Offer


Useful information for parents


Support for parents of children with Special Educational Needs

SENDIASS - Calderdale SEND Information                                                     Unique Ways - supporting disabled

Advice and Support Service                                                                              children and their families


Relationships Matter - a website to help families                          Open Minds (CAHMs) - Provides advice information,

understand and build healthy relationships                                       support and signposting on local and national 

                                                                                                                   emotional, health and wellbeing services that help

                                                                                                                   children, young people and families who are going 

                                                                                                                   through a difficult time.